Cookies Policy

  1. Purpose

This Cookies Policy aims to comply with Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, (hereinafter, LSSICE), the General Regulation on the protection of personal data 2016/679 (hereinafter, RGPD) and the Organic Law 3/2018 on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD).

  1. Identification of the Responsible Party / Information Society Service Provider

In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSICE), we expressly, precisely and unequivocally inform both the users, recipients of the service, and the competent bodies, of the following aspects relating to the provider of information society services:

Entity / Publisher: Trolli Ibérica, S.A.U
CIF/NIF: A96311832
Postal address: C/ Bombers, 22, 46980, Paterna (Valencia) España
Telephone: (+34) 96 134 30 18
E-mail address:
Corporate purpose: Candy Manufacturing
Registration data: VALENCIA Mercantile Registry Volume 10567, Book 7848, Sheet 12, Section 8, Page V35525


  1. Identification of the Data Protection Officer

Our company has appointed a Data Protection Officer to whom you can address your questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data, indicating the name of our company or trade name. You can contact him by these means:


Ronda Guglielmo Marconi, 11, 26, (Parque Tecnológico) 46980 Paterna (Valencia).

E-mail: (ref. trolli) or through this Customer service form

  1. Definitions

In order to comply with the second paragraph of Article 22 of the LSSICE, the information provided in this policy must be clear and complete on the use of data storage and retrieval devices and, in particular, on the purposes of data processing which requires that the processing of user data is carried out in a transparent manner for them. To achieve this, we offer some basic and preliminary definitions to be used in this policy, for greater detail and better understanding by the user:


It is the natural person who accesses our website.


In the case of this website, this is the entity (natural or legal person) that owns the website. Also called responsible or service provider of the information society.


Cookies and/or similar technologies (hereinafter, cookies) store and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies can serve a variety of purposes, such as, for example, recognizing users, obtaining information about your browsing habits, or customizing the way in which content is displayed.


It is the user information obtained through cookies.

The data may be of a personal nature when it concerns information on identified or identifiable natural persons, in the terms established in Article 4 of the RGPD.

Information society service:

Any service provided at the individual request of a user, whether or not for a fee, at a distance and by electronic means, provided that it constitutes an economic activity for the publisher whose provision gives rise to the use of cookies.

  1. Types of existing cookies

Below is a classification of cookies according to a series of categories. However, the same cookie can be included in more than one category:

5.1 Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them

Depending on who is the entity that manages the equipment or domain from which the cookies are sent and treats the data obtained, we can distinguish between:

Proprietary Cookies:

These are those for which our company is responsible, and which are generally sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by our company and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

Third Party Cookies:

Cookies are those for which an entity other than our company is responsible and which are generally sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by our company, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

In the event that the cookies are served from a computer or domain managed by our entity, but the information collected through these is managed by a third party, they will also be considered as third-party cookies (for example, improving the services provided or the provision of advertising services for other entities).

You should know that if you accept third-party cookies and later wish to revoke your consent, you must delete them from the options of the browser used or from the system offered by the third party itself. Here are the sites you can visit to learn more about third-party cookies (deactivation, possible data transfers to third countries, etc.):

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Edge

Chrome for Android

Safari (Apple)


As well as Google AdWords

If you use other browsers, we recommend that you consult their cookie use and management policy.

The following tool can be very useful to the user to manage the use of cookies and protect your privacy on the internet.

5.2 Type of cookies according to their purpose

There are many purposes for the use of cookies. Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through the cookies are processed, some of the purposes may be:

Technical Cookies:

Technical cookies may be used without user consent.

Are those that allow the user to navigate through our website and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, including those that our entity uses to enable the management and operation of the website and enable its functions and services, such as, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access parts of restricted access, remember the elements that make up an order, make the buying process of an order, manage the payment, control fraud linked to the security of the service, make the request for registration or participation in an event, count visits for the purpose of billing licenses of the software with which the service (website, platform or application) works, use security elements during navigation, store content for the broadcasting of videos or sound, enable dynamic content (for example, animation of loading text or image) or share content through social networks.

Also belonging to this category are those cookies that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, as an element of design or “layout” of the service offered to the user, the editor has included in a webpage, application or platform based on criteria such as the edited content, without collecting information from users for other purposes, such as customizing the advertising content or other content.

Preference or Customization Cookies:

These are those that allow information to be remembered so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate the user’s experience from that of other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to be displayed when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which the user accesses the service, etc.

For these cookies to be considered exempt from user information and consent for their use, their use must be limited to that necessary for their purpose, and the information that can be derived from the user’s selection may not be used for other purposes (e.g., for the personalization of advertising content) or for user profiling.

Analytics or Measurement Cookies:

Are those that, processed by our company or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service offered.

For this purpose, your navigation on our website is analyzed to improve the range of products or services we offer you.

The use of these cookies is unlikely to pose a risk to users’ privacy.

Behavioral Advertising Cookies:

These are those that, processed by us or by third parties, allow us to analyze the user’s browsing habits on the Internet so that we can show him/her advertising related to his/her browsing profile.

5.3 Types of cookies according to their duration

Depending on the length of time they remain activated in the terminal equipment we can distinguish between:

In session:

Are those designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a webpage.

They are usually used to store information that is only of interest for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear at the end of the session.


These are those in which the data remain stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie manager, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

This type of cookies may pose risks to user privacy. In any case, when persistent cookies are installed, we will reduce their temporary duration to the minimum necessary according to the purpose of their use.

5.4 Types of cookies exempted from consent

The following cookies are excluded from the scope of application of Article 22.2 of the LSSICE, and therefore do not require information or consent for their use by the user:

  • – “User input” cookies
  • – Authentication or user identification cookies (session cookies only).
  • – User security cookies
  • – Media player session cookies.
  • – Session cookies for load balancing.
  • – User interface customization cookies.
  • – Certain plug-in cookies for sharing social content.
  • – Cookies that only allow communication between the user’s equipment and the network.
  • – Cookies used to provide a service expressly requested by the user.
  • – Audience measurement cookies when they comply with the following guarantees:
  •           * When its purpose is strictly audience measurement.
  •           * When the data obtained from the measurement are anonymous.
  •           * That the data is not transmitted to third parties.
  •           *That the data is not used to match other processing operations.
  •           * That the lifetime of these cookies is the strictly necessary, but maximum 13 months.
  •           * That the information provided by these cookies is kept for the time strictly necessary, not exceeding 25 months.

5.5 Types of cookies used in this website

The following is a list of cookies used on this website, organized according to their purpose, including whether they are proprietary or third-party cookies and their specific use:






Type of cookie / Purpose

PHPSESSID Own Session Technical / Works with PHP encryption language, to allow session variables to be stored on the web server. This cookie is essential for the correct functioning of the website.




2 days Technical / Used to establish a unique code to help the user access the contents of their shopping cart.
Cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary Own


1 hour Technical / Used to remember the user’s consent to the use of cookies.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-non-necessary Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s refusal to use cookies.
viewed_cookie_policy Own


1 year Technical / Serves to certify that the user has seen the Cookies Policy.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisement Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance for the use of advertising cookies.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance for the use of performance cookies.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance for the use of Analytics cookies.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-others Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance of the use of other cookies.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance for the use of personalization cookies.
CookieLawInfoConsent Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance of the use of cookies.
cookie-law-bar Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s consent to the use of cookies.
cmplz_banner-status Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance of the Cookie Policy.
cmplz_consented_services Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance or rejection of the use of certain types of cookies.
cmplz_functional Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance or rejection of the use of certain types of cookies.
cmplz_marketing Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance or rejection of the use of certain types of cookies.
cmplz_preferences Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance or rejection of the use of certain types of cookies.
cmplz_statistics Own


1 year Technical / Used to remember the user’s acceptance or rejection of the use of certain types of cookies.
cmplz_policy_id Own


1 year Technique / It is used to record which button the user has pressed in the cookie information window (Accept or Reject)
cky-action Own


3 months Technique/Cookie to remember the action performed by the user.
cky-consent Own


3 months Technical / CookieYes sets the cookie to remember the user’s consent to the use of cookies on the website.
cookieyes-advertisement Own


3 months Technical / CookieYes sets this cookie which is used to remember users’ consent to the use of cookies in the « Advertising» category.
cookieyes-analytics Own


3 months Technical / CookieYes sets this cookie which is used to remember users’ consent to the use of cookies in the «Analytics» category.
cookieyes-functional Own


3 months Technical / CookieYes sets this cookie which is used to remember users’ consent to the use of cookies in the « Functional» category.
cookieyes-necessary Own


3 months Technical / Necessary/CookieYes sets this cookie which is used to remember users’ consent to the use of cookies in the « Necessary» category.
cookieyes-other Own


3 months Technical / CookieYes sets this cookie which is used to remember users’ consent to the use of cookies in the «Other» category.
cookieyes-performance Own


3 months Technical / CookieYes sets this cookie which is used to remember users’ consent to the use of cookies in the «Performance» category.
cookieyesID Own


3 months Technical / CookieYes sets this cookie which is used to remember users’ consent.






Type of cookie / Purpose

_fbp Facebook 3 months Analytics / Store and track visits across websites.







Type of cookie / Purpose

pll_language Own


1 year Personalization / recognize the language the user needs.


At any time, the user may withdraw the consent initially granted by activating the cookie information window from which they gave their consent. This window can be accessed on the home page of our website.

We recommend reviewing our cookie policy each time you access our website to inform yourself of any changes to the use of our cookies. Our entity reserves the right to modify this policy without prior notice.

  1. Profiling

As part of the duty of information of article 13.2 f) of the RGPD, we inform you that, in the event of profiling about you, we will request prior consent. However, you should know that you can object to being the subject of an automated decision regarding your data, where personal aspects are evaluated, such as analyzing or predicting aspects related to your performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences or interests, reliability or behavior, so that as a result legal effects occur on your person or affect you in a similar way.

Our entity will adopt appropriate security measures to protect your rights and freedoms, as well as your legitimate interests, such as the right to obtain human intervention from us to express your point of view and challenge the decision.

  1. Data transfer

Your personal data will not be transferred to other countries or third parties. In the event of transfers to other entities or other countries outside the European Union, we will inform you and request your prior and express consent.

  1. Legitimation for the use of cookies

If the user presses the “ACCEPT cookies” button, included in the cookie information window displayed when accessing our website, it is understood that they freely give their express consent for the use of all cookies, which will allow our entity to use the information from the user.

If the user freely presses the button intended to personalize or configure the use of cookies, offering them a space to select the cookies they wish to be used.

At any time, the user can change their mind and revoke the consent initially granted for the use of cookies.

  1. Reject the use of cookies

If the user freely presses the “REJECT cookies” button included in the cookie information window displayed when accessing our website, they decide not to use cookies.

In the cookie information window, the user has a button intended to personalize or configure the use of cookies, offering them a space to deselect the cookies that they have previously consented to be used.

The user will be able to revoke the consent given in an easy way since there is a system perfectly visible on the website, to access again to the informative and management window of the cookies that allows the user to configure them as he/she wishes.

  1. Conservation period

The period of conservation of personal data shall be the shortest possible in accordance with the purpose for which the data was collected, in accordance with the principle of data minimization.

For more information about the processing of personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.

  1. Your Rights

You have the right to know whether our entity is processing your personal data; therefore, you have the right to access them, rectify them if they are inaccurate or request their deletion when the data are no longer necessary, provided that it is legally possible.

You may also exercise your right of opposition, limitation or portability if you deem it convenient, including the right to revoke your consent. To exercise any of these rights, you must do so in writing to attaching a copy of your ID (DNI) or equivalent document to provide us with your identification.

If the person who wishes to exercise his/her rights is under 14 years of age, he/she may do so through his/her parents, guardians or legal representative.

If you have any suggestions or questions about the processing of your personal data, you can contact the data protection officer at:


Ronda Guglielmo Marconi, 11, 26, (Parque Tecnológico) 46980 Paterna (Valencia).

Customer service form

We inform you that if you feel that your rights have been disregarded, you have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at: C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid or at

  1. Updating this Policy

Our entity reserves the right to modify this policy without prior notice. For this reason, we recommend that you consult it every time you visit our website.

Updated August 2, 2024.